Proper planning and exercise selection are key concepts in physical preparation for sport. We combine these concepts with our extensive experience in order to prepare the absolute best training program for your needs and goals. Preparing athletes for competitive sport has taught us how to manipulate training variables in order to produce the exact results that we need. Whether you want fat loss, muscle gain, better fitness or if you need to be stronger for your work & we can put this knowledge to work for you. If you have a specific sport-related target in your sights, there’s nothing better than a personalised program to help you rise above the pack.

We can put this knowledge to work for you with our personalized
programs, to help you achieve your goals.”

Step 2.

This service is offered in the following approaches:





“I was already in good shape. I had a football & hockey background and training pretty hard for my career as a firefighter with multiple types of workouts (weightlifting, powerlifting, crossfit, etc.). I had important tests coming up that I was stressed about, not because I wasn’t in shape but because I wanted to be in the BEST shape possible. [Naomi from NBworkout] understood the type of tests that I had to pass and the weaknesses that we needed to work on. She also gave me specific techniques for the exam and explained to me why I needed to practice them…The way that she explains every little detail of any movements is what stands her apart from other trainers. Thanks to [the NBworkout] programs, I passed way over the test requirements…”

Steven Kiekeman Fontaine

“Vous cherchez une entraineure motivée, motivante, professionnelle, dynamique, disponible, minutieuse, originale, ultra connaissante et qui ne cesse d'accroitre et d'améliorer ces compétences? Je vous conseille sincèrement les services de Naomi... C'est réellement une passion pour elle. Pour ma part, elle a su m'aider à la remise en forme suite à une blessure au dos et elle m'a aidé à optimiser mon entrainements pour des tests spécifiques dans mon domaine professionnel! Les résultats ont été très positifs!”

Sandra Bissonnette

“Ça fait plusieurs années que je m'entraîne, mais aucun autre entraînement n'a donné d'aussi bons résultats. Mes objectifs étaient clairs: augmenter ma force tout en gardant agilité et rapidité... Essentiel pour mon travail comme policière. Je n'ai jamais été aussi challengé et j'adore!”

Julie Marcoux

“Étudiant en sécurité incendie, les tests d’admission au DEC sont très difficiles. C’est à ce moment que j’ai contacté Naomi afin qu’elle m’aide à réussir ces tests physiques. J’ai cogné à la bonne porte, je lui ai expliqué en quoi consistait le parcours et elle m’a bâti un programme d’entrainement. Ce que j’ai vraiment aimé, c’est qu’elle a réussi à me faire un programme très difficile mais qui tenait compte de mes blessures (périostite et épaule). Résultat final : j’ai passé les tests haut la main en plus d’avoir réglé mes blessures.” Merci encore!” Merci encore!

Mathieu Rozon

“I have been training with Naomi for over 4 years and what separates her from any other trainer, other than her wicked skills, is how much she genuinely cares about her clients. Naomi has been my trainer and my friend and has cheered me on in my fitness achievements like she was a member of my family. She has seen me through the evolution of my fitness goals using her tools, her knowledge, and, most importantly, her unending understanding and support both physically and emotionally. She's an excellent trainer and an excellent person. And I absolutely LOVE my new body. I could never ever have achieved this without her!

Brandi-Ann Milbradt


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